Isabelle’s Angel + International Events

“Then I saw another angel flying overhead, with the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on the earth— to every nation and tribe and tongue and people.”
(Revelation 14:6)

God’s heart beats for the nations and one of our greatest joys is traveling to the ends of the earth to share the messages He has entrusted to us with His beloved sons and daughters.

We have so enjoyed ministering all over the world and meeting many of you face to face at workshops around the globe. Today I’m very excited to let you know about some upcoming conferences overseas, as well as share a wonderful testimony I just received from one of our dear friends and Christian Leadership University graduates.

Isabelle Knockaert hails from Belgium, where she translated my Hearing God Through Your Dreams book into Dutch and helped organize a ministry tour for us a few years back. Since then, she and her family have moved to the beautiful continent of Africa, and it is there that the photo below was taken. Here is Isabelle’s description and testimony, in her own words.


Light House Angel

I thought of you today as I looked at a picture Anne-Laure took last night of our home here in South Africa. I’ve attached it here for you to see. The whole village is powerless, no electricity, so no lights on anywhere. Our home itself is not enlightened, it’s just the small garden lights on.

I thought this light is amazing. Anne-Laure didn’t manipulate the picture; it’s what you truly see each night in the pitch dark. Also remarkable is that little “cloud” above the house. Look closely, what do you see? I see our guardian angel for the third time! It’s him all right, with his curly dark hair, keeping darkness away from us with his hand.

I once saw him walking around the house just behind Johan. I couldn’t stop laughing, he was hilarious! I needed that! I recently asked God for favor to see more angels around us. A few days ago, there he was again walking through the house in white garments.

Thank you, Charity, for encouraging us to ask Father to experience and partner with these precious brethren. It’s awesome!!


Praise God for the guardians He has assigned to protect us (Ps. 91:11-12). It is such a blessing to know we are never alone, and that the company of heaven always has our back! If you would like to learn more about these holy ones who are watching over you, check out our Everyday Angels resources. Truly, these supernatural spirits are ministers sent to serve and assist the heirs of salvation (Heb. 1:14)!


The UK

Looking ahead, it is an honor to be invited to minister at the River of Revelation Conference happening March 9-12, 2023. Pastors Sharon and Trevor Baker have been friends of our family for many years, and they are hosting this wonderful event at their church in Dudley, England.

I will be teaching alongside Pastor Trevor Baker of Revival Fires as well as Simon Braker of Legacy International during this four-day training event. We would love to meet you there!

And if you are in this part of the world and would like to host an event while we are in your region, we invite you to contact Leo for details.



Upon returning from England, we will head to Pennsylvania for our annual training at Randy Clark’s equipping school. It is always a privilege to teach at Global School of Supernatural Ministry and we look forward to empowering these passionate students to even more easily live and walk by the Spirit.



Then in April, we are excited to be going to Taiwan! My husband Leo will teach on the 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice and I will teach on Christian Dream Interpretation and Experiencing Angels. A trilogy of supernatural encounter!

We will be based in Taipei from April 9-17 doing a week of training at a school of ministry, as well as a weekend conference hosted by Rehoboth Church. We are currently scheduling our itinerary so if you are in this part of the world and would like to host an event, please contact Leo for details.

Thank you for your prayer cover over these preparations, travel, and times of ministry. We can’t wait to see all God will do!


The Dream Keys App

Dream interpretation made simple

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Have you downloaded our newest tool for dream work? Find out all about it here and try it for yourself today!


Read more about angels!

Interview on A.I. (Angel Intelligence)

AI generated what she saw in the spirit

ElijahForce Interview on Angels

Transformer Angels & the Dora Milaje

Video Interview – Growing Up with Angels

Swapping stories of the sacred supernatural

Angels We Have Heard on High

What can we learn from Zacharias, Mary, and the shepherds?