Quantum Physics Conversation: An ElijahForce Interview

I was thrilled to be invited back to ElijahForce for another deep dive into the sacred supernatural with Julie Smith.

In our previous shows we talked angels – and even met some! Now we shifted gears to explore a topic she’d never done an interview on before. This time Julie wanted to discuss quantum physics and how the principles in this field correlate with our walk in the spirit. Of course I was happy to oblige!

We touched on the concepts of superposition, quantum entanglement, and my favorite… the observer effect. We explored biblical examples, contemporary testimonies, and then put what we learned into practice with a powerful activation meditation at the end.

The interview just aired, and you can watch it on Rumble or check it out on Facebook here.



We would love to hear your stories of partnering with Holy Spirit and “observing to collapse” His prophetic potentials and promises into your world. If you have a testimony about transforming a possibility into an actuality through your visionary intercession, please let us know.

Here’s to collapsing glory, co-creating with God, and bringing heaven to earth!

Read more about quantum physics here!

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