Seeing in the spirit and other supernatural conversations
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. (Matthew 5:8)
- Fix your eyes on Jesus (Heb. 12:2).
- Look at the unseen (2 Cor. 4:18).
- Set your mind on the Spirit, which is life and peace (Rom. 8:5-6).
Blog Posts
Kiwi Ministry Trip Report
Updates from Our Sacred Supernatural Tour Down Under!
Jesus, Jonah, & Thanksgiving
What precious gift can we give to a God who has everything?
Interview Airing on GOD TV
What are Kingdom Emotions and why should you care about them?
Satan as the Wizard of Oz
Why it has never been God versus satan.
Kingdom Emotion: Our Spiritual Armor
How holy feelings guard and protect us spirit, soul and body.
5 Enemy Entry Points You Probably Haven’t Thought Of
The enemy’s strategy is so subtle we may not even realize what’s happening.