Waterfall Visionary Inner Healing Technique
So many of us feel shamed and damaged due to all of the events that happened in our younger years, but God has an incredible answer for all of that.
When we use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), God’s invention to clear our physiology of these negative emotions, amazing things happens in our lives.
This Waterfall Visionary Inner Healing Technique is designed to be used AFTER you have tapped out all the negative emotions around a negative memory or event in your life that filled you with shame, in particular. This can be used, if desired, for any negative emotion, too.
Use this technique if you are looking for a visual of a cleansing.

Close your eyes. Tap throughout this process on your favorite tapping spot.
Allow your mind to quiet and allow the Holy Spirit to take you to your (or His) favorite water scene.
Picture the most gorgeous waterfall you have ever seen. It is 100 feet or more high, with beautiful mountain backdrop behind it. The sky is a most perfect blue color. The water is splashing and bouncing off the rocks as it descends over the side of that mountain.
Feel those water drops and mist hitting your face as you approach the waterfall.
Notice a small ledge coming out from behind the waterfall. Walk over to it.
Continue tapping. Ask Jesus to cleanse you of all these negative emotions that have plagued you all of your life. Ask him to forgive you for any part or choices you made about those emotions that saddened Him. If He reveals any specific sin, repent of it right now.
Know that with true repentance He tosses those sins as far as the east is from the west, and He remembers them no more.
Note what I just wrote – God forgets about the sin. It’s time you allow Him to remove the stain you yourself feel about what has happened. Keep tapping, allowing God to remove that painful emotion or event from your body.
Begin to walk beneath the waterfall on that ledge. Feel the power of the rushing water all around you. It’s a mighty force. Remember, it is an insignificant force in comparison to the power of God of the universe.
Notice before you right in the middle of the waterfall another ledge jutting out into the middle of the water.
Keep tapping, and slowly walk forward until you are standing underneath the flowing water. Feel the coolness of it. Feel the power of it. Feel your clothing sticking to you. Feel your hair matted down on your head. Let yourself feel everything about that cleansing power of the water.
Feel the shame and pain, emotional and physical, flowing down that mountainside with that mighty flow of water. Your pain is moving away from you. It is mixed among the leaves, branches, and rocks. It is gone forever in that mighty roar. You no longer can see it or feel it.
Jesus has cleansed your shame. He just healed all those damaged parts. He has made you whole by the power of His blood shed on the Cross at Calvary.
Feel the water like the water of Baptism when He first made you a child of His.
Right now, tell Him everything you want to tell Him. Are you ready to surrender your life totally to Him? Tell Him so. Have you withheld a piece of your life from His control? Do you want to now allow Him to take control of that piece? Tell Him so. Are you ready to allow Him to deal with any remaining pain, emotional or physical? Ask Him now to take it. Ask Him to tell you what you mean to Him.
When you finish telling your Savior everything you have to say to Him, and allowing Him to say what He wants to tell you, turn and walk out from under the waterfall.
As you walk away from that scene, thank Him for all of His goodness, mercy, kindness, and grace He has shed on your life, realizing He is now beginning a new habit in your life, a new way of thinking about yourself, others, and God Himself.
Thank and praise Him for everything – good and the not so good. Everything in your life is for your spiritual growth. He allows it to happen to refine you and bring you closer to Him. Thank Him daily for all of those trials, but also thank Him for the blessings.
God loves to hear His children thank Him. Never take those blessings for granted.