ElijahForce Interview on Angels

ElijahForce Interview on Angels

ElijahForce Interview on Angels I just had the honor of being interviewed by Julie Ann Smith of Elijah Streams Ministries. What a delight! She is an amazing woman of God and we had the best time together. What was scheduled to be an hour-long show overflowed into a...
Reverse Engineering Reoccurring Dreams

Reverse Engineering Reoccurring Dreams

Reverse Engineering Reoccurring Dreams “This app has been a huge key for me hearing from the Lord in my dreams. I’ve realized how intimately He speaks to my very situations and how loving he is. I’m so thankful for the videos explaining Charity’s...
From Skeptical to Skilled Interpreter + New Podcast

From Skeptical to Skilled Interpreter + New Podcast

From Skeptical to Skilled Interpreter + New Podcast “I never in my wildest imagination would have thought God would be so interested in talking with me as often as He does.It’s chipping away at the stronghold of religion one dream at a time.”– Chelsey Gowins I...
Video Interview – Growing Up with Angels

Video Interview – Growing Up with Angels

Video Interview – Growing Up with Angels It’s always fun to connect with others who are journeying into the sacred supernatural realm of visions by day and dreams at night. Walking in the Spirit is what we were made for, and it is truly the adventure of a...
10 Ways to Get in Spirit

10 Ways to Get in Spirit

10 Ways to Get in Spirit We want to get out of our heads and into our hearts because God does not live in our heads. Ephesians 3:17 tells us that Jesus lives in our hearts and John 7:37-39 tells us that rivers of living water—the Holy Spirit—flow from deep within. As...