Dreams: Silly or Sacred?

While many Christians believe God can speak through dreams, they consider it to be a rather out-of-the-ordinary experience. They may have felt the Lord lead them through a dream or two here or there over the years. They may have received a very literal dream where Jesus came to them and spoke clearly and gave them new direction for their life.

That is awesome and God definitely does do that. He did it in the Bible, and He certainly continues to do that today.

However, if the dream is obvious, the message is spoken literally, and you understand exactly what it means upon awakening, then you don’t need an interpretation. You comprehend the meaning, nothing is lost in translation. And yes, every once in a while we may be blessed with such night visions.

weird-dreamsBut what about all the rest of the nights, where our dreams seem strange and unspiritual, and don’t seem to make any sense? Does God speak every night, through all those “crazy” dreams, too?

Yes! The only reason we don’t understand the dream’s message is because it is being communicated in a different language. Dreams are not really that weird or wacky, they are simply speaking another dialect. Dreams use the heart language of pictures, so in order to understand their meaning we just need to learn that language.

A simple example of this is illustrated in the following night vision.


The French Connection

Sometimes God plays with words in our dreams, such as the dream He gave me featuring The Bon-Ton, one of a large chain of department stores in our area. The store carries some of everything so you can always find whatever you need there.

The setting in waking life found my husband and I working on a large project that was too big for us to accomplish on our own. We knew we were pursuing a God-sized dream and we needed Him and His anointing to realize success in the endeavor. Also, at the time we had guests staying in our home, and one of them was originally from France.

That evening, Leo and I prayed together before bed, thanking God for blessing and establishing the work of our hands. Afterwards I fell asleep and had a simple dream. In it, we were enjoying a shopping spree at The Bon-Ton. Then I awoke.

Holy Spirit reminded me of my French lessons from years ago, enabling me to quickly grasp that bon can be translated “good.” Obviously, a ton is a measurement for a huge amount of something. I was thrilled and encouraged by the interpretation and realized all over again that we had nothing to worry about. The dream message was clear: The Lord has a “ton” of “good” things “in store” for us!

Incredibly, God confirmed this later the same day through a conversation with our French friend. I had not shared the dream with her; we were simply chatting about the best place to find organic produce. Imagine my surprise when she just happened to mention that a Whole Foods supermarket was moving into a former Bon-Ton store nearby. Bon-Ton? God used the same symbol twice, in my dream and in waking life, to make sure I got the message.


Want to learn more?

If you have simple dreams, long epic saga dreams, or just crazy, weird and wacky dreams, God is talking to you! All you need to do is learn how to translate the language He speaks at night. In fact, we’ll teach you how to become fluent in it. Download the first 60 pages of our book for free.

God is speaking. The only question is, are we listening?


Read more about dreams here!

A Mother’s Prayer… a Son’s Dream

A family who dreams together…

Reverse Engineering Reoccurring Dreams

“God speaks over and over again, but nobody notices…”

From Skeptical to Skilled Interpreter + New Podcast

How dreams broke through religious lies

Anna’s Dream: Words of Wisdom & Knowledge

When doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong…

Dream Team Coaching Available!

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