Angel Rescue & New German Translation
We’ve had some awesome ministry this past month via Zoom in Germany. I taught at a church there in person a few years ago on Hearing God Through Your Dreams, and they just invited me to do a four-week training through a translator for Everyday Angels. What a wonderful time!
We had a similar online course in English with a ministry based out of Chicago during May as well. In our sessions there was teaching, Q&A, and powerful encounters meeting with Jesus and His angels. From an angel wearing a suit and tie helping a teacher at work with his students, to an angel who dances when a worshiper sings praises to Jesus, to angels laughing and wanting to play games together!
Hebrews 13:2 talks about “entertaining angels”… and the angels we met were very entertaining! It is such a gift and blessing that as Spirit-filled believers we have the ability to live Scripture. We experienced it all and we thank the Lord of Hosts, and His heavenly hosts, for gracing us with their presence!
New Translation Released
And just in time for our interpreted class, we also found out that another translation had been released. We are excited to announce that one of our most popular books, Everyday Angels, has been published in Germany!
Our messages on dreams and kingdom emotions have already been translated into this language, and now our teaching on angels is available as well. Yay God!
Please share this wonderful news with your German-speaking friends and family. It is available to order online through Grain Press.
Unexpected Angel Rescue
And speaking of angels, I received a fabulous testimony from Robin Lenart, who said: I wanted to share my mom’s experience with the angel she encountered that was disguised as me! Ha! You are welcome to use this by the way.
My husband and I were so excited to meet up with his folks and my mom for a fun vacation in North Carolina. We all picked our sleeping quarters in the small log cabin we were staying in. The weather was just beautiful, and we all wanted to explore the quaint downtown area. Well, except my mom, who wanted to settle in, unpack and enjoy a hot bath.
Before long we returned, excited to share our treasures with mom. She pulled me aside to express her gratitude for me popping back in to help her before we all returned home. I was puzzled. “I didn’t come back.” I said. “Yes, when you helped me out of the tub!” And then continued as she shared her periling story of being unable to get out of the large slippery tub after her bath.
Each time I tried to tell her I didn’t come back, she reminded me of the event. “Don’t you remember pulling me out?” “I was so grateful. I prayed for help!”
How could this be, I pondered. My mom was thankful that “I alone returned.” I’m sure it would have been mortifying for her to have all of us to return finding her like that. Was it an angel disguised as me?
There was one thing she wanted to say though, after we both were silent.
“I didn’t know you were so strong!”
What About You?
Love it! Psalm 103:20-21 tells us that angels excel in strength, and it’s fun to hear the different and surprising ways they put those muscles to good use!
If you’d like to learn more about angels, and even meet your own, experience our biblical visionary meditation with Jesus here.
And if you’re in the Western New York area we invite you to join us this weekend for our Overflow of the Spirit workshop in Lewiston. It’s going to be a lot of fun and we’d love to see you there!