by Charity Kayembe | Oct 1, 2016 | EFT
EFT – Studies, Statistics and Survivor Stories Therapy at the speed of light? Dr. Joseph Mercola has built the most visited natural health website in the world, reaching 25 million readers each month. He sees tapping as a gift from God and teaches “EFT is done...
by Charity Kayembe | Sep 2, 2014 | EFT
Scripture Tapping Protocol Scripture Tapping Protocol Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired) Certified EFT Practitioner/ Trainer, Author of EFT for Christians & EFT for Christians – Tapping into God's Peace & Joy Instructions: These instructions assume you...
by Charity Kayembe | Aug 24, 2014 | EFT
Easter Morning Visionary EFT Technique Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired) Certified EFT Practitioner/ Trainer, Author of EFT for Christians & EFT for Christians – Tapping into God's Peace & Joy These techniques or visualizations are to be used AFTER all...
by Charity Kayembe | Aug 22, 2014 | EFT
Fruit of the Holy Spirit Tapping Protocol Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired) Certified EFT Practitioner/ Trainer, Author of EFT for Christians & EFT for Christians – Tapping into God's Peace & Joy For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity,...
by Charity Kayembe | Aug 20, 2014 | EFT
Waterfall Visionary Inner Healing Technique Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired) Certified EFT Practitioner/ Trainer, Author of EFT for Christians & EFT for Christians – Tapping into God's Peace & Joy So many of us feel shamed and damaged due to all of the...